Business Links

The Monster Board, career info., resumes on line/cover letters
ACT-graduation-colleges and career info
Career Ed
On-line Job Fair
Career Search Handbook
200 Letters for Job Hunters
AboutWork, learn to excel or simply cope
What Color is Your Parachute: The Net Guide
Street-Smart, a site for career success
A+ On-Line Resumes
America's Job Bank
The Big Book, a virtual yellow pages for job hunters, by region or by industry type
Career Mosaic
CareerPath, search classifieds from six major newspapers
Career Web
The Catapult, a springboard to career- and job-related sites
Careers, a comprehensive job and career-related site
E-Span Interactive Employment Network, a salary guide by region and occupation
Hi-Tech Jobs
Jobs Online
Kaplan Career Center, how to land a job
On-Line Career Center, the premiere career place
The Riley Guide, issues for job seekers
Training and Development Job Mart


CNN World Report
ESPNET SportsZone, sports news and information
USA Today, the nation's electronic newspaper
Kansas City Star
New York Times
Wall Street Journal Financial News